Sunday, August 2, 2009


Lee and I went camping with a small group and had a big barbecue. It was a typical Japanese barbecue consisting of:

  • slices of beef
  • hot dogs on sticks
  • two kinds of sausage
  • sliced onion
  • sliced Japanese pumpkin (kabocha)
  • shiitake mushroom caps
  • cabbage leaves
  • chicken (I think this was bought specially for me since I don't eat mammals)
  • dipping sauce
There was also rice cooked in mess kit tins. It was perfectly cooked and much tastier than 99% of the plain white rice I've had in Japan. I don't know if it was the water, the slight trace of wood smoke, or the rice itself that made it so good. I don't think it was the fact that we ate this after hiking around a mountain, though I guess that's possible too.

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