Thursday, June 18, 2009

How much is that?????

At today's exchange rate, 1 yen equals almost exactly one U.S. cent, .0074 Euro, 1.29 cents Australian, and 1.17 cents Canadian according to my usual currency conversion website.

Kiwi: 98 yen each for the golden kind, 88 for the regular.

Sweet corn: 128 yen each, 190 for two.

Small bananas: 70 yen each.

Asparagus: 5 long, very skinny stalks for 128 yen.
Celery: 2 or 3 tall, leafy, extremely fresh stalks (see the water at the bottom?) for 98 yen.
Broccoli: small heads for 98 yen. (I bought one.)

How do these compare with prices where you are today?

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