Monday, June 15, 2009


Today, Tuesday, I finally separated the wakame we collected at the beach on Saturday into three bags and put them in the freezer.

Wakame is one of the three most popular kinds of seaweed in Japan (the others are nori and konbu). You can read some of the technicalities of wakame at Wikipedia, of course. It's standard in several common kinds of soup and in a popular cucumber salad with a white miso dressing, my favorite wakame preparation, actually.

It was even more fun gathering it than it will be eating it. My daughter and I waded out into the surf and grabbed floating fronds, a few with the holdfast still attached.

Washing it was less fun. I've read that you can wash it for just a minute. That must refer to the kind that the sea has already washed very thoroughly. Ours took about 10 minutes to get more or less free of sand and my wife was still rather umimpressed with how clean it was. When I use it, I'd better make sure there isn't a speck of sand left or there'll be hell to pay.

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