Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Too hot!

It's not that hot, really, but since it's the first really hot and humid week of the year, it seems hotter. It was officially 28 today, but I saw 28 posted on one of the bridges at 11 this morning, and the air over the river, which flows down out of the mountains, must be the coolest air in the city. I spent the whole afternoon in our one air conditioned room, the bedroom, and ate left-over mahi mahi for dinner with some rice. Yoshie and Lee poured packaged curry sauce over their rice. We all had some fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. Lee wouldn't eat tomatoes all winter or spring, but now that we can get tomatoes that taste like they're supposed to taste, she's eating them again. There's a song that goes, "There's just two things, money can't buy, and that's love and home grown tomatoes." These aren't homegrown, but they're local and taste like summer.

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