Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cold Tofu

One of my favorite dishes is one of the simplest -- ohiyakko -- cold tofu. In a restaurant it will usually be served with some katsuobushi on top. When I have it at home (several times a week), I just put on a dab of wasabi and a little soy sauce. Sometimes I'll substitute grated giner for the wasabi.

The wasabi I use is the regular supermarket wasabi from a tube. This is actually a mixture of Japanese wasabi, mustard, and (Western) horseradish with, I'm very sorry to say, green food coloring. The one listing I found for one kind of wasabi in a tube said it was 4.5% wasabi and 31.7% horseradish. I hope to find something better when I start shopping occasionally in a fancier store, maybe Sogo downtown. They must have the real thing.

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