Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tofu -- theme and variations

I don't know how many different kinds of tofu there are, including the Stinky tofu we declined to eat in Taiwan, where it's a specialty. This morning I pulled these out of the fridge, three packages but basically two kinds. The two above are both "regular" tofu, kinugoshi, silken tofu. The one at the bottom with the colorful sticker is peanut tofu, which Yoshie buys sometimes as a treat for herself. It's basically kinugoshi with something added to give it a peanut flavor; I haven't yet found out what. I tried looking at the list of ingredients on this package, but it's covered by the brightly colored half-price sticker. It was half price because it was old. In fact, it was so old it was sort of turning into stinky tofu and, after Yoshie forced down one of the two little round cakes of tofu from the pack (she hates to waste food, especially food she's bought as a treat for herself), we threw out the other.

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