Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bento with brown rice!

I was walking towards Tokushima Station yesterday and I noticed a sample bento in front of a bento shop. The bento had brown rice. I'd never seen that before in Japan, so my friend and I went there to buy lunches for yesterday's picnic (it was another beautiful fall day).

Not only do they have brown rice, they actually have four options for rice:

  • white rice
  • brown rice
  • 12-grain rice
  • rice mixed with barley

The food was tasty and the price about average for a bento. I was surprised that they didn't have vegetarian bento to go with the healthy food theme, but here in Japan true vegetarian food is extremely rare.

In case you're interested, you can find the shop to the right as you walk out of the station, next to the entrance to Popogai. It's called Day's Kitchen. They even have a website.

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