Sunday, November 8, 2009

New sushi place

Not far from us is a kaitenzushi place (conveyor belt sushi) called Sushiro. It always seemed crowded, especially on weekends, and it's also the closest sushi restaurant to our house, so we finally went there yesterday when we needed some place to go to celebrate the Yankees's victory. It turned out that the crowds were right. Of the cheap sushi places we've tried (105 yen per serving, about $1.10 per plate, though there is less rice per piece than at regular sushi places) it's definitely the best. The hamachi was, good, the tai was very good, and the hotate (scallops) were excellent. Lee was a little disappointed that they didn't have weiner sushi, but they had her other favorites: egg, tuna salad, and cucumber.

One unusual sushi topping that they had, shirako. That's the sperm sack from a (male, obviously) cod. Interesting change from the common fish egg sushi. Tobiko, flying fish roe, and ikura, salmon roe, are standard.

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